South Florida Yachts Blog
South Florida Yachts Blog


When planning a day out on the water on your cruising or fishing boats in Boynton Beach, your cooler might be the last of your priorities, but you may want to change that mindset before you head out.

Getting a cooler ready for a day out on the water is not the same thing as packing one for a day at the beach or camping. To ensure it’s all smooth sailing once you set out, you want to make sure you have the right things on your list when stocking up for the trip.

Pre-cool the cooler and use blocks of ice

Before you start filling your boat cooler with all your chosen items, it’s essential to make sure it’s at the right temperature. Bring your cooler indoors a day before you plan to head out and keep the lid open overnight so that the inside of the cooler can reach room temperature.

Once it’s cooled down and you are about to start packing, line the bottom of the cooler with blocks of ice instead of small ice pieces. Larger chunks of ice will last longer and keep your items inside cool for a lot longer.

You’ll get thirsty

For a day out in the water under the shining, bright sun, chances are you are going to get quite thirsty – especially if it’s during the summer. Make the most of your cooler by packing enough cold beverages to keep you hydrated through the day. Water and Gatorade can help with keeping the thirst away so make sure you have enough to last through your trip.

Smart snacking

What you pack in your cooler can determine how much stamina you’ll end up having through your day. For an angler who is looking to make casts all day long, you’ll need snack options that are easy to eat. Bite-size fruit and veggies kept chilled in your cooler are great options to munch on. They’ll give you energy and keep you full and best of all, help you stay focused and fresh while you fish.

Speaking of energy, make sure to throw in a small bag of mixed nuts between your snack options as well. They are one of the most nutritious snacks you could have on board and won’t take up much space either.

How about some homemade sandwiches?

You’ve got a whole day ahead of you, standing behind the rod for hours, chances are you will need more than just snacks to graze on. Pack some ready-made sandwiches that’ll keep well in your cooler. Wrap them in aluminum foil and your cooler will keep them fresh no matter how hot it gets on the outside.

Although the options are endless when it comes to what all you can pack in your cooler for a day out on the water, you want to make sure you don’t end up consuming food that’s going to leave you lethargic and feeling weighed down. Pack smart and if you are still looking at fishing boats in Boynton Beach, talk to us at South Florida Yachts, our crew can help you find exactly what you are looking for – and advise you on what to bring along on this trip you’re planning too!

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